
As a child the thought of a shotgun behind the door of my grandfathers bedroom, kept me from entering. I was never prohibited, however, it was my innate and instinctive reaction that refrained me from going in. As a teenager, movies took up a large portion of my time. In particular I was taken to the movies by Michael Cimino and Sergio Corbucci. The image of a gun, contrasted with my fear that had not yet diminished, and resulted in my fascination with the ability to stimulate my visual memory.

In the last years, my interest in the civil possession of firearms grew fonder. I visited public and private shooting ranges and houses of gun enthusiasts. I attended conventions, historical re-enactments and collective events in various regions around Italy. I searched socially accepted dynamics, I wanted to understand what conditioned and influenced individuals to sign the first contact for a gun. I was allured to the desire of understanding the mysterious attraction and repulsion that firearms generate in the collective imagery. In the military jargon, “friendly fire” designs the situation in which soldiers fall under the fire of their own fellows.

In most cases it explores an error of identification: friends exchanged for enemies. I tried to experiment the inverse.